Thursday, December 26, 2013

Friends and Family Day - Holliday Reminder - 2014 Group Class Schedule

"Man is a goal seeking animal.  His life only has meaning if he is striving for more."  -Aristotle
Friends and Family Day

This Saturday is "Friends and Family" Day. Bring a friend or family member for a free introductory WOD at 11:00am. Show them what CrossFit is and how they can get in shape and change their lives!  No need to sign up...just show up for the WOD at 11:00.

Holliday Hours Reminder
Just a heads up on what the plan is for New Years. 
- Dec 31st - We will ONLY have 8:30am and Noon classes.  There will be NO open gym this day.  I will be moving into my new place and kind of busy.  :-) 
- Jan 1st - Opens at 1:00pm  We will have a New Years Day WOD for everyone, then Nick and Dennis will do their Burpees from Hell for the food drive. 

2014 Group Class Schedule

We will be changing our class schedule for 2014.  The following is the list of classes offered.

Monday - Friday
6:00am, 8:30am, 12:00, (CLOSED from 1:00-3:00) 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm & 6:30pm
Monday and Wednesday ONLY
9:00am & 10:00am
1:00pm - 4:00pm (Open Gym for all members)

Tomorrows WOD:

A) 20 Minutes to warm up
B) Body Weight challenge.  Athlete will use a weight as close to body weight as possible. 
   10 Deadlifts
   10 Hang Power Cleans
   10 Jerks (push or split)
   10 Front Squat
    9 Deadlifts
    9 Hang Power Cleans
    9 Jerks
    9 Front Squat
    (30 Min time cap)



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