Sunday, December 8, 2013

GNO - Double Under - January Fundies Class

" Striving for excellent motivates you...striving for perfection is demoralizing"


Girls Night Out
We have rescheduled "GNO" for this Saturday night... December 14th. 
80/20 Rule Of Double Under Training
Saw this article today about DU training.  Makes some very good points, no matter if you do or don't have your DU's yet.  I know mine are not perfect and this will help me work on my issues...
If you do not know, Double Under Training is a game of very small adjustments until your technique becomes as finely tuned as a Steinway and Sons Piano. Your ability to do more double unders while reducing your fatigue factor is all about efficiency.
The 80/20 rule also known as the Pareto Principle states “that, for many events, roughly 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes”. As this principle holds true in business, economics, and software development; I, too, believe it is true for double under training.
After coaching and observing CrossFit athletes for over two years I can truly say that if you improve or fix 20 percent of your double under technique, you will improve your overall jump rope efficiency by 80 percent or greater.
You must keep in mind that the adjustments are usually so small that most athletes fail to realize which adjustments they have made. For this reason, many athletes fall into a revolving cycle of reverting back to bad habits. Using all of your senses to accomplish your training goals is the key to lasting success. For the rest of the article...see link above...

Wasted energy with a "Donkey Kick"

January Fundies Class
Our next Fundamentals Class will start on January 6th.  What else is January well know for?  New Years resolutions!  To help everyone out, we will be cutting the price of fundies to $99 and hopefully be able to schedule multiple classes during January.  More to come....but be sure and tell your friends about the special for January ONLY!!  Also, we have gift certificates available.  GREAT stocking stuffers!! 

Tomorrows Wod:
A) Every Minute on the minute for 8 minute:
     Snatch x2 reps @ 80 - 90% of 1Rm
B) Set 1 - 5 reps @ 70 - 75% of 1Rm
     Set 2 - 3 reps @ 80 - 85% of 1Rm
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90 - 95% of 1Rm
     Set 4 - 1 rep @ 100 - 105% of 1Rm
     Set 5-7  - @ 2 reps @ 90-95% of 1 Rm
     * rest 2 min between sets
C) Three rounds for time of:
     15 Pull Ups
     20 Kettle bell swings (53/35)
     40 Double Unders (x2 singles)


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