Wednesday, March 19, 2014

14.5 Cookout

"If you live long enough, you will make mistakes.  If you learn from them, you will be a better person.  It's how you handle adversity...not how it handles you.  The main thing is never quit...never quit...never quit."  -Bill Clinton

14.5 Cookout!!

We are down to our last 2 weeks of the 2014 CrossFit Open!!  Everyone has done EXTREMLY well!  We are planning a cookout for Friday night (28th) right after our last Friday Night Lights.  Lets get together..relax, decompress a little and meet all our new members!  Yes, alcohol is allowed.  Dig Deep will provide burgers, dogs, buns, etc.  We might even have some pizza delivered.  If you want to bring something to put on the grill, that fine...but it's not mandatory since it's after a the WOD....just come and relax and have fun.

During the summer, we will start having a cookout each Friday after the 5:30 and 6:30 classes.  Again... just dogs and burgers....if you think of anything else you want to grill on the last Friday, just say and we will try to get it. 

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Run 400m (x3) (rest 60 seconds between reps)
     Rest exactly 4 min, then:
B) Seven rounds for time of:
     7 HSPU's (3 handstand holds w/5 sec hold or 3 wall walks with 5 sec hold)
     7 Burpees
     7 Ring Dips
     7 Pull Ups

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