Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Friday's 14.5 Cookout - Friends and Famly Day - Junior Beasts

"A man can fail many times...but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame someone else"
 -John Burroughs

Friday's Cookout!

We are down to our last week of the 2014 CrossFit Open!!  Everyone has done EXTREMELY well!

To celebrate the end of the Open, we are planning a cookout for this Friday, right after Friday Night Lights.  It's time to get together...relax, decompress a little and meet all our new members!  Yes, alcohol is allowed.  Dig Deep will provide burgers, dogs, buns, etc.  We might even have some pizza delivered.  If you want to bring something to put on the grill, that fine...but it's not mandatory.....just come, relax, bring whatever you want to drink and a chair ti sit in!

If anyone has a corn hole game...bring it...we will set it up inside the box and throw down!

Friends and Family Day

This Saturday at noon is our monthly Friends and Family day!  Be sure and invite everyone you know and then come with them to support them as they have fun with their intro WOD! 

Junior Beasts

Parents...after MUCH deliberation...and wanting to do the best by you and your children (the future of CrossFit), we have decided to wait.  We want to....and need to wait so we can give you a genuine "CrossFit Kids" product, not a knockoff trying to be like CrossFit.  I don't want to lay out our road map, in case it doesn't evolve the way we want it to... but I promise you, the next time we announce it, we will be 150% in or not at all. 

Tomorrows WOD:

 A. Two sets of
Chinese Planks (x15-30sec) (add weight as able) (10 Min
 B. In 15 minutes, complete five sets of:
      Push Press (1.1.1)
     (rest 15 seconds between singles...build as you are able)
      Rest as needed

C. AMRAP in 20 min of:
     Run 200 Meters (row 250 if too cold only)
     18 KB Swings (53/35 lbs)
     12 Pull-ups

      6 OH Lunges (45/25)

Yesterday's WOD

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