Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Battle of the Box's - Mud Run - Girls Night Coming

"He who attains little, must sacrifice little...he who would attain much, must sacrifice much...he who would attain highly, must sacrifice greatly."  -James Allen

Battle of the Box's (May 3rd)

It's coming!!!  Battle of the Box's at CrossFit Murray is just two and a half weeks away!  They have announced the categories (below).  WOD's have not been released yet, but we do know that the doors will be open @ 7:00am...and first heat @ 8:15.  Registration will most likely be the day of the event.

What does "Scaled" mean?  That means regardless your fitness level, you can scale the WOD/weight to your fitness level and they will rack and stack the finish times by how much scaling was required by the athlete.  I expect to see a HUGE Dig Deep contingency!!!!... we need to come in and represent and throw our weight around!!

- Men's RX+
- Men's RX
- Men's RX Masters
- Men's Scaled
- Men's Scaled Masters
- Women's RX
- Women's Scaled
- Women's Scaled Masters

Mud Run!

Second annual "Mud Madness For The Responders" is coming May 17th!!  This is a 5K challenge with a minimum of 12 obstacles...varying from a 100 foot slide to bog pits to "The Great Wall".  You can have teams up to 8 members...and costumers ARE encouraged.  Come ready to get SLOPPY muddy and have fun.

Dig Deep has one team formed already...and is trying to form another.  If you want to join a team, sign up on the white board at the box.  As soon as we get enough for a second team... we will elect a team captain and have everyone register.

Girls Night Out Coming...

April 24th...Coach Ashlee is planning a GNO...NOT like the last one.  haha...  this one will be more civilized.

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Warm Up:
      400m Run...then...EMOM for 5 min, with an Oly Bar only, complete the following:
      3 Hang Squat Snatch or Overhead Squat (OHS only allowed for new members)
      4 Overhead Lunges
      3 Air Squats
B) METCON: Complete 10 Rds of the following for time: (25 min cap)
      10 Hang Snatch (95/65)
      10 Overhead Lunges (95/65) (may use bumper if necessary)
      100 Meter Run

Today's WOD:

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