Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tuesday Reminder - 2014 Mud Madness 5K

"The struggles you're in today, is developing the strength you need for tomorrow" -unknown

Go CATS!!!

Tuesday Reminder

We will have no morning classes this Tuesday.  The first class of the day will be @ noon.  Sorry for the inconvenience. 

2014 Mud Run!!!

Dig Deep... we have a dog in the hunt!!  We have formed a Dig Deep Mud Run team for the May 17th run in Benton.  We can only have 8 members to a we are going to start a list on the white board at the box.  If you want to be on a team, sign up on the board by the end of this week so we can form more teams!!!  Let's go.... lets represent Dig Deep and get MUDDY!!! 

See the link below for more info..... More

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Complete 5 sets of 5 reps each of Front Squats @ 80% of your 1rm weight. 
     * rest 2 minutes between sets *
B) For time, complete 4 rds of the following:
     8 Front Squats (185/135) (from the floor)
     10 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups
     12 KB Swings (70/53)

Saturday's WOD


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