Sunday, April 27, 2014

REMINDER!!!! Battle of the Boxes this Saturday!!

“Challenge yourself everyday to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances.”  – Robert Tew

Battle of the Box's (May 3rd)

It's coming!!!  Battle of the Box's at CrossFit Murray is this coming Saturday!  They have announced the categories (below).  WOD's will be released tomorrow (Monday) and we know that the doors will be open @ 7:00am...and first heat @ 8:15.  Registration will most likely be the day of the event. 

The coaches and I want as many Dig Deep athletes as possible to enter...or if not... come out to cheer on those that did enter. 

What does "Scaled" mean?  That means regardless your fitness level, you can scale the WOD/weight to your fitness level and they will rack and stack the finish times by how much scaling was required by the athlete.  I expect to see a HUGE Dig Deep contingency!!!!... we need to come in and represent and throw our weight around!!

- Men's RX+
- Men's RX
- Men's RX Masters
- Men's Scaled
- Men's Scaled Masters
- Women's RX
- Women's Scaled
- Women's Scaled Masters

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Back squat:
     5 reps @ 60%,  3 reps @ 70%  1 reps @ 80%
     5 reps @ 70%,  3 reps @ 80%, 1 rep @ 90%
     5 reps @ 80%,  3 reps @ 90%, 1 rep @ 100%
B) In 12 minutes, complete AMRAP of:
     - 10 Chest to Bar
     - 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
     - 30  Sit ups

Saturday's WOD:


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