Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Clothing drive coming to an end

“It takes no guts to be skeptical, it takes guts to believe. To put yourself on the line. To take action and risk failure and ultimately to succeed.” — Tony Robbins

Clothing Drive coming to an end!

Remember... we are having a clothing drive through the end of this month.  Only 7 days left!!!Shawnee Community College needs our help.  Go clean out your closets...your kids closets...your husbands/boyfriends stuff.  Bring it in to the box so we can help others!!  We have A LOT of donations so far...but there is always room for more! 

Tomorrows WOD:
Complete 3 rounds for time of: (30 min time limit)
- 1 Mile Run
- 10 C2B (Chest 2 Bar) Pull-ups
- 10 K2E (Knees 2 Elbows)
- 10 HRPU (Hand Release Pull-ups)

Today's WOD:

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